river Wye courses coaching
Wales School Courses
Private Retreat Kayak
07914666596 wye
White Water Kayaking
Coaching / Training / River Trips
courses Progressing your kayaking skills and white water ability, Members Training, Multi day kayak courses during the season.
Grade 1>2>3 Rapids/Trips
flexible course booking

New to kayaking? have you got the bug and want to learn more? or are you looking to progress your skills, gain confidence, control.
Weekend Kayaking Courses
White Water Trip G2 course booking
Kayaking Intro course booking
River Foundations course booking

" learning kayaking strokes adds confidence, Understanding the river,
adds style!"

With our coaching experience, River Strokes Kayak School based in mid Wales, provides fun, friendly, white water river kayak training courses and intensive long term progression

Advance booking required, limited spaces and kayaking course dates available

secure SECURE WEBSITE booking
Private Kayak Coaching
private One : One
Progressing your kayaking skills. Custom Coached Training Personal Goals
flexible course booking
Kayaking Holiday Courses
River Wye Camping
camping River Side Camping at Degeddi, based near Hay on Wye.
flexible course booking
Kayak Confidence Retreat
courses Get back in your boat

Kayaking Confidence and skills retreat on the river Wye
flexible course booking
Client Feedback
River Strokes clients can leave feedback, after completing a course.
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River Training Camp

Training sessions next to the river Wye..
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We Specialize in correct technique and long term progression kayak coaching.
Kayaking Courses
Beginner course for your first time in a kayak. A fun challenging activity
River Skills
An introduction to the river at features using grade 1 moving water. river trip and skills course
Kayak Rolling
Indoor rolling and confidence swimming pool sessions and open water Blade support strokes
White Water
First time and improver white water grade II/III skills courses

advice Gear & Advice
kayaking tips and equipment advice

content © copyright River Strokes | web site design © copyright Daniel Povey